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I loveee this game, and I can't stop replaying it. The only thing I really want in the full game is the ability to delete saves (If possible). The art is good, the story is good, everythingg is amazing


THIS IS AMAZING!! I got a lot of the endings!! (including the nsfw one) the boys are just the cutest!! its interesting how different they are, Keith being bolder and temebris being so shy in the Nsfw routes. My favorite route was deff the not so different one, temebris was so cute in it!! im so excited for the other ending to come out!! 100000/10

Deleted 238 days ago


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Which scene did you manage to get? Keith’s or Tenebris'? To get to Date 4, you only need to ignore the interphone

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You don't need any special combos. You only need to not go downstairs when the interphone rings. And for Keith’s bad end in Date 3, follow the guide and when you have the option, get angry at the waitress.

I really LOVE this game it was VERY ENJOYABLE!!!!!:))) Thank you for making it available to android ( ☆∀☆) the game is well made!!

I loooooooooooooooooove this game so much!!!! It's so well written and I just want more and more.

I can't seem to get the "Believe Him" option and I swear I followed the guide to the letter. Any help or wisdom from others would be greatly appreciated!


I finished playing Date 4 yesterday and I was scared out of my wits, I thought to myself: ‘The creator has already given me many scares in the other ones, for sure this one will be calm’ I couldn’t sleep for a moment because of how it progressed into the night and what happened in the forest… (I love this game, please keep updating it but don’t forget to take care of yourself <3)

I don't know if it's on my part but I cannot seem to see the text at the bottom it appears too low. Does anyone else have this issue or just me? It gets cuts off at the bottom.

Have you changed the font? Normally, the game has a different font and different text size.

Let me try. Thank you.

YES! I fixed it. Thank you very much for helping me.

Glad to be of help!

i cant seem to be able to get the “You’re not going to let this keep you away” + 1 (Date 2) option so that i can get Tenebris' last bad ending. Any tips?

wait nevermind im an idiot ignore thi :) <3

the way my jaw dropped whilst going through that bad ending (its an amazing game keep being awesome)

EEEEEEE that was so good!! only a few days after i did every ending/continuation up to day 3 and day 4 comes out,,, im so lucky,,,,, ur game is amazing so far and im loving the boys so much<3 im rlly happy for the potential poly as its so rare ;; 

hii for some reason i cannot access the guide and im not sure if im doing it right. i cant find a link so i click download, then select the one that says bug fixes and date 3 bad end guide, but it wont download on my computer. is there any link i could use to open it into my browser? thank you!

Deleted 273 days ago

ahh nvm I downloaded the guide on my phone. Are only bad endings available so far or did I read it wrong? Btw I love this game! 

The good endings aren't available yet, but there is a "continuation" ending you can get, that lets you know you're on the right track for the next update.

ahh okay thank you!! so excited for the future of this game

is it only me or there's no day 4? Idk I always end up with the bad ending 

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Apparently for date 4, your not suppose to get the bad ending. So what l did was near the ending of date 3 when it said either "ignore it" or "Go downstairs to check". I pressed ignore it and it lead to me date 4 

oK. I tired the game on a device that has never had the game on it before and date 4 still doesn't play. I was playing the Ten-Ten route if that helps at all


using my experience during his route at the end of date 3 when it says either "ignore it" or "Go downstairs to check". I pressed ignore it and it lead to me date 4  


i got an error warning when jacob was talking to us after we got out of the forest, but after pressing "ignore" a few times it went away. thought i'd let you know! <3

Omg date 4 was AMAZING, and the outfit?!?!? Chefs kiss.

Really, this game is really good, can't wait to see more of it <333

Hey! Ik you're having day 4 problems so I wanted to submit mine. For me it's not even available to download. I see 3.1 and the end guide, but nothing about Duality 4 etc.

If you mean the files on this page, 3.1 is for Date 4, so you're all good. If you mean it isn't letting you play Date 4 after downloading, I'm currently trying to figure that one out, so sit tight for now!

I've found uninstalling the old version and installing the new version works.

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My attempt at fixing bugs I cannot see on my end :')

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This is so good! Do you think it’ll be another six months to get the next part? Obviously, sooner is preferable, but I’m not trying to demand anything, just get a feel for the timeframe between updates.


Possibly, though I'll try to get it out sooner. The next part is bigger, so I can't say for certain

is it just me that can't access day 4? Or do only certain people have access at the minute?

It should be available for everyone! Are you having trouble downloading it? Or getting to it in the game? If it's the latter, perhaps you need to start a new save. 

No i was just playing but it only lets me play to the third date before the game ends and goes back to the main menu.


I'm having the same problem even when I started a new game.

I noticed when I updated the game (on the itch app, if that is relevant) that it simply added the new 3.1 version rather than replacing the old version in the files. So I had to manually go in and delete the old version.

Yes, that's how it functions currently

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I could be completely wrong but that might be why some people are saying that they can't access day 4? Because I only noticed it when I clicked "launch" and it gave me 2 options--both with the exact same name and file size--and I decided to actually check the files instead of just clicking one, which is how I realized both versions are there (rather than replacing the old version like I was expecting). Idk if any of this is helpful or not, sorry lol

Hmm, perhaps? Though this is how I've always updated the game and it never had issues. I might add instructions for people to delete the old files if this does prove to be the problem. Thank you for the help! 

I thought l was the only one experiencing this problem :(

It's a bit hard to pinpoint the exact issue, since it doesn't happen on my end. But I did try something and uploaded a new build. It'd help a lot if you guys could try it out and let me know if it works!


Date 4 is out, LETS GOOOOOO!!

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Patiently waiting for the next update 🥺

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I think Keith can understand, but Temebris.....

I feel like something big will happen.

This amazing I need more of dis ❤️


Why after I cheer up Temebris I can't belive him at the final Date 3(I tried almost every route) :'<

Again I have a question, is not fixed that there need to be 2 questions and a secret one on every conversation?

Apesar de no poseer aún una traducción al español, nada que un traductor de pantalla no resuelva. El juego me parece fascinante, y espero con ansias una actualización. Espero que este proyecto no sea abandonado como muchos otros que fueron mis favoritos, al igual que este.

I hope there will be a spicy scene with both of them (2 in one), like not a heart broken one, :,)

I really hope this game won't be abandoned, I really enjoyed it thus far.


It's not getting abandoned! I am nearly done with the Date 4 update at the moment!

You are amazing :)

umm I cant download the guide help

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I can't find the nsfw guide ;-;


down on download page: "Date 3 Bad End Guide (contains spoilers).rtf" nsfw is bad endings

I like this game very much. When will it be updated? Full Version。


Can I ask you when you will finish the game??


I really enjoyed the game, but when will you finish it? I liked it very much, and I appreciate your efforts. Thank you ❤️❤️

I love the game but i was kinda hoping I didn't have to call the police at the end.


There is a secret ending in which you don't if you're referring to the ending with Tenebris. 

How do you get the secret ending? I swear I picked all the favorable choices for him but I can't seem to get special endings with him yet


Check out the guide and pay close attention to the choices that get you yandere points!


it is so amusing I enjoy it a lot. Keith is so cute he is my type. i still can't get the yandere sign ha. you are so amazing to create so an incredible story. thank you for taking the time to create a game can't wait to see the full version.  TAKE ALL MY MONEY 

Hi I've been trying to the guide but I still cant find it I'm so confused 🥲 but the game is wonderful I dont know how liking them both is a bad ending though

The guide is here, same place where you can download the game. If you mean you can't find the endings, pay close attention to the yandere points! Also, there will be a good ending where you get together with both of them!


I seriously cannot stop thinking about this game! Please give us an update. I need more Tenebris in my life.


It's on its way!

can please someone help me get the nsfw endings.Or all the endings in general cuz even tho im following the guide half of the choices in date 1 are missing

(1 edit) (+1)

The key is the yandere points. You have to make sure you get enough of those or you’ll never get those endings. It took me a couple of tries, too, but if you really pay attention to the guide, it tells you exactly what you need, not every single choice.

thank youuuu i think i understood

Where can I find the guide? I can't find it inside the file.

It's here, on this page, separate from the game files.

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